Tag: Leadership

Cosgrove to step down at Cleveland Clinic

Editor's Note Delos Marshall “Toby” Cosgrove, MD, will step down as CEO of the Cleveland Clinic by the end of the year, the May 1 Cleveland.com reports. Dr Cosgrove will stay on in an advisory role, and his successor will be a practicing physician, keeping up with the Clinic’s history…

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By: Judy Mathias
May 1, 2017

Supplementing OR teaching with video-based coaching

Editor's Note This study finds that video-based coaching is feasible for supplementing intraoperative teaching of residents to perform surgery. Teaching in a video-based coaching session was compared with teaching points made during a corresponding OR case. Teaching in video-based coaching sessions was more resident centered. Surgeons were more inquisitive about…

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By: Judy Mathias
April 21, 2017

Innovation: The path to superior OR teamwork and results

Healthcare lags behind other industries when it comes to innovation. That’s partly because new treatments must be vetted for safety and efficacy, and partly because fee-for-service reimbursement sparked little incentive for creativity and efficiency. Under value-based purchasing, OR leaders have more opportunity to be innovative, but first they must understand…

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By: Cynthia Saver, MS, RN
April 21, 2017

Conference speaker advocates a 'drama-free' OR

Creating a harmonious work environment can only be achieved through effective leadership that discourages conflict and negativity. “Ditching the drama, restoring sanity to the workplace, and turning excuses into results” is how Cy Wakeman, MS, BSW, describes her leadership philosophy. “Circumstances are not the reasons we can’t succeed—they are the…

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By: Paula DeJohn
April 21, 2017

OR leader job analysis helps sort out roles, responsibilities

A new tool is available to help OR leaders both develop their careers and prepare their successors to take over when they leave. An OR manager job analysis, released in September 2016, provides an evidence-based approach to building the careers of OR leaders, both novice and experienced. “It really helps…

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By: Cynthia Saver
March 16, 2017

What does an OR manager do?

Here is a list of domains, with accompanying knowledge statements for the OR manager role, based on the job analysis conducted by Prometric, a test development and delivery company based in Baltimore. Examples or definitions for several knowledge statements appear in parentheses. Communication and relationship management -Negotiation techniques (win-win, building…

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By: OR Manager
March 16, 2017

Impact of role stressors on nurse managers’ health

Editor's Note This Canadian study finds that nurse managers’ coping strategies may be inadequate and could negatively impact their long-term health. Interviews with 23 nurse managers and 1 focus group found that nurse managers have severely high levels of role stressors that include: Working with limited resources (budget and staff).…

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By: Judy Mathias
March 6, 2017

Joint Commission issues new alert on safety culture

Editor's Note The Joint Commission on March 1 issued a new Sentinel Event Alert on “The essential role of leadership in developing a safety culture.” Leadership’s failure to create an effective safety culture is contributing to adverse events such as wrong-site surgery and delays in treatment, the Joint Commission says.…

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By: Judy Mathias
March 2, 2017

Study: Emotional intelligence of nurse managers

Editor's Note The level of emotional intelligence among nurse managers depends on years of experience and postgraduate degree, this study finds. Nurse managers with less than 2 years of experience had statistically significant lower “using emotions” branch score and strategic emotional intelligence. Those with masters’ degrees in nursing scored significantly…

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By: Judy Mathias
February 24, 2017

Building a business case for new technology

OR leaders besieged by surgeons and others clamoring for the latest innovations must ensure that the business case for any new technology makes good sense both for patients and the organization’s bottom line. Building a strong business case requires careful assessment, clear writing, and a strong partnership with the finance…

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By: OR Manager
January 18, 2017
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