Tag: Culture

Strong culture sustains healthcare staff in 'good and bad' times

Traditional patient care challenges have risen to a whole new level in the wake of COVID-19. Healthcare providers have assumed new roles and performed tasks they never imagined doing. With conditions and expectations changing daily if not hourly, one thing that hasn’t changed is the need to provide safe patient…

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By: Elizabeth Wood
April 23, 2020

OR business leaders anticipate growth and opportunities in 2020

Planning for volume growth and adopting best business practices for the perioperative environment were overarching themes at the 2020 OR Business Management Conference (ORBMC) in late January. Leading healthcare industry clinicians and experts offered fresh insights into competing in the burgeoning outpatient surgery market and persuading stakeholders to switch to…

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By: Elizabeth Wood
March 16, 2020

Improved work environments linked to lower nurse burnout, higher patient satisfaction

Editor's Note This study from Linda Aiken, PhD, and colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, found that high levels of nurse burnout are associated with lower patient satisfaction. In this analysis of nurse burnout and patient satisfaction in 463 hospitals in four states, 50% of the hospitals where burnout…

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By: Judy Mathias
March 3, 2020

What’s driving Millennial, Gen Z nurses

Editor's Note A new HCA Healthcare survey finds that in the past 4 years Millennials and Gen Z nurses have gone from being the minority to now being the majority in the employee population, and their professional priorities and expectations differ from past generations, according to a February 11 report…

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By: Judy Mathias
February 12, 2020

Find your purpose, not passion

Editor's Note Though many self-help books advise people to find their passion, this is terrible advice, says LaRae Quy in the January 15 issue of SmartBrief/Leadership. Passion is a “hedonistic approach to life,” that is popular right now, she says. People think they need to be passionate about their jobs…

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By: Judy Mathias
January 16, 2020


Projections for healthcare industry trends in 2020 started to proliferate near the end of 2019 as attention turned to the new year. Reflecting on the Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) landmark 1999 report, “To Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health System,” some healthcare leaders said the report has raised awareness…

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By: OR Manager
December 17, 2019

Impact of shared governance on workplace empowerment over time

Editor's Note In this analysis of measurements (ie, staff’s caring, workplace engagement, and work empowerment) assessed before and after implementation of an interprofessional shared governance model, only work empowerment scores of staff working in relationship-based care professional practice models were sustainable and increased progressively and significantly over time. Work engagement…

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By: Judy Mathias
December 12, 2019

‘Great leaders give direction, not directions’

Editor's Note What is it that only great leaders can do? “Give direction, not directions,” writes Scott Eblin in the November 20 eblingroup.com/blog. Leaders need to set a “commander’s intent” that gives team members a clear sense of why a task is important, what it will result in, and where…

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By: Judy Mathias
November 21, 2019

Daily Tiered Huddles help prioritize and resolve OR problems

When you have a problem, are you empowered to solve it? What happens when staff encounter an obstacle? Cleveland Clinic’s Tiered Huddle process empowers all caregivers to see problems and tackle issues on their own or escalate them for assistance. The tiered huddles have energized teams to work across the…

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By: Judith M. Mathias, MA, RN
November 18, 2019

Supportive leaders boost staying power of nursing staff--Part 2

Retaining well-performing staff reduces the amount of resources, particularly time and money, that OR leaders need to spend on recruiting and training new employees. Part 1 of this two-part series provided an overview of retention issues and discussed the importance of the leader’s role and a positive work culture (OR…

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By: Cynthia Saver, MS, RN
November 18, 2019
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