May 10, 2024

Joint Commission identifies most cited certification performance requirements

Editor's Note

Recognizing that complying with some standards is more difficult than complying with others, The Joint Commission regularly evaluates which areas are most difficult so it can tailor education accordingly. To that end, a May 7 report reveals the top 5 most frequently cited elements of performance (EPs) in 2023 for four categories of certification programs: cardiac-, orthopedic-, and stroke-specific programs under the Disease-Specific Care Certification Manual (DSC), as well as the Health Care Staffing Services (HCSS) program.

Across the four categories, EPs focus on assessment(s) and reassessment(s); standardizing processes; educating patients; implementing care based on patient needs; and documenting results. For the HCSS program, EPs focus emergency management planning; documenting staff qualifications; and fulfilling obligations to provide customers with descriptions of safety hazards or other events as required by written agreements.

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