August 3, 2023

Effect of surgical nurses’ personality traits on fear, work stress, resilience during COVID-19

Editor's Note

In this study, nurse researchers from Turkey, examine the effects of personality traits of surgical nurses (ie, OR, ICU, ED, and surgical services) on work stress, COVID-19 fear, and psychological resilience during the pandemic. 

A total of 357 nurses were included in the analysis. 

Among the findings: 

  • The mean work stress score of OR nurses was higher than nurses in the other specialty groups, and the score was higher in the 20 to 25 age range, female nurses, married nurses, and day-shift nurses. 
  • The mean COVID-fear score of OR nurses was higher than nurses in the other specialty groups, and the score was higher in the 36 and above age range, women, married nurses, and day-shift nurses. 
  • The mean psychological resilience score of ED nurses was higher than nurses in the other specialty groups, and the score was higher in the 36 and above age range, male nurses, and married nurses. 
  • Nurses with neuroticism personality types were more affected physically and psychologically and experienced more stress. 

The findings show that nurses’ work stress and psychological resilience levels should be evaluated at regular intervals, and that in-service sessions on coping with stress and stress management should be conducted during this and future pandemics, the researchers say. 



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