Editor's Note Although fewer Michigan nurses planned to leave the profession in 2023 compared to 2022, the profession still faces unsafe conditions, understaffing, and high rates of abuse, according to a two-year, statewide survey published July 18 in JAMA Network Open. Conducted by researchers at the University of Michigan School…
Editor's Note The Joint Commission’s new Workforce Safety and Well-Being Resource Center is designed to support healthcare organizations in addressing challenges with workplace violence, burnout, and exposure to hazards. Workplace violence is a growing issue in healthcare, negatively affecting morale, staff turnover, productivity, and patient care, according to the July…
Editor's Note The advance of ketamine and other anesthetics as depression treatments is spurring collaboration among anesthesiologists and psychiatrists for further advances in mental health treatment, according to an article in the June issue of Anesthesiology, the peer-reviewed journal of the American Society of Anesthesiologists. As the established experts in…
Editor's Note Surgeons are more likely to be reported for unprofessional behavior than any other category of physician, and pediatric specialists are least likely, according to a study published June 6 in Jama Network Open. Based on data from the Center for Patient and Professional Advocacy's Coworker Observation Reporting System…
Editor's Note Surgeons and surgical trainees who are female or from minority racial or ethnic backgrounds report higher levels of negative emotions and self-doubt after adverse events, according to a recent study in JAMA Network Open. According to a June 5 report in MedPage Today, the single-site, mixed-methods study found…
Editor's Note Healthcare executives expect the US nurse shortage to worsen, according to the 2024 Healthcare Executive Report from Incredible Health, a career marketplace for healthcare workers. Projected to reach 1 million by 2030, the shortage is exacerbating stress on current staff and compromising care quality, according to the company’s June…
Editor's Note Coworker and employer support strongly influence nurses' intentions to remain in their jobs, while symptoms of depression are associated with nurses planning to leave, according to a study conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic by researchers at NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing. Available to the public September 30…
Editor's Note A prospective cohort study among general surgery residents in Singapore highlighted the need for ergonomic improvements and education for surgical trainees during minimally invasive abdominal surgery. Published May 31 in Scientific Reports, the study was limited by a small sample size and variability in respondent characteristics and practices.…
Editor's Note Negative portrayals of nursing on social media play a major role in deterring members of Generation Z from pursuing careers in the profession, according to survey results from nursing marketplace platform ShiftKey. According to a June 4 report in The Hill, the survey involved 1,000 individuals aged 18…
Editor's Note A June 6 meeting on gun violence prevention at the White House attracted more than 80 top health care executives to lend expertise on mental health, gunshot wounds, and more, Becker’s Hospital Review reports. Hosted by the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention, established in 2023,…