December 6, 2018

Study: Fish oil does not increase bleeding risk in cardiac surgery patients

By: Judy Mathias

Editor's Note

Fish oil did not increase perioperative bleeding and reduced the number of blood transfusions in cardiac surgery patients, in this study.

A total of 1,516 cardiac surgery patients were randomized to perioperative fish oil or placebo−from 2 to 5 days before surgery until discharge.

The primary outcome of major perioperative bleeding occurred in 92 patients (6.1%). Compared with placebo, bleeding was not higher in the fish oil group.

The total units of blood transfused were significantly lower in the fish oil group compared with placebo (mean of 1.61 vs 1.92)

The findings support the need to reconsider current recommendations to stop fish oil or delay procedures before cardiac surgery, the authors say.


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