January 2, 2024

Scripps Health shares strategies for worker retention, growth

Editor's Note

A multifaceted staffing strategy, including predictive analytics and soliciting staff suggestions, helped Scripps Health in San Diego significantly increase worker retention and headcount in 2023, according to Becker’s Hospital Review. 

The December 21 Q&A with Eric Cole, corporate senior vice president of human resources, revealed the organization increased its workforce retention rate from 82% to 88% (82% to 89% for RNs). Simultaneously, the hospital reduced its dependency on agency and traveler workers from more than 300 to less than 30. Targeted recruitment contributed to increasing headcount by 6% (11% for RNs).

One program Cole highlighted as particularly effective was was the Front-Line Leader Academy. Launched in 2023, the initiative supports the professional growth of the hospital’s front-line supervisors by cultivating communications, empathy and other skills required to maintain healthy, productive teams. 

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