February 17, 2022

Icahn School of Medicine receives $2M Health Workforce Resiliency grant

Editor's Note

The Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), on February 16, awarded New York City’s Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai a 3-year, $2.1 million grant to develop a new training initiative to help healthcare workers (HCWs) deal with the mental health burdens associated with COVID-19.

The goals of the initiative, termed CARE (Culture, Access, Resilience, Education), are to promote well-being, enhance resilience, and reduce the burden of mental health conditions, substance abuse, and suicidal ideation among HCWs.

CARE has two components: “Targeted Onsite Resilience and Mental Health Training,” and “Leadership Training in Well-being Culture and Practice Efficiency.”

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