Tag: Culture

Peer initiative cultivates a better OR culture

The following “success story” describes the PEER initiative at Geisinger Medical Center, which has involved staff in making decisions to improve processes and communication. OR Manager periodically publishes success stories like this from nurse leaders or other healthcare providers who want to share their experience with our readers. Recent examples…

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By: OR Manager
December 14, 2017

Just culture creates a safe, positive environment

Just culture has become a bit of a buzzword, so it’s worth revisiting what the term truly means and how it can be implemented and sustained. Although it’s a powerful tool for improving patient safety, just culture is effective only when leaders set expectations for processes and behavior, and address…

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By: Cynthia Saver, MS, RN
November 15, 2017

Perception of OR safety of surgical practice linked to postop mortality

Editor's Note The perception of safety of surgical practice among OR personnel was associated with hospital level 30-day postoperative patient mortality rates in this study. As part of the Safe Surgery 2015: South Carolina initiative, a baseline survey measuring perception of safety of surgical practice among OR personnel was completed.…

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By: Judy Mathias
August 25, 2017

Employee engagement: The path to better patient care--Part 2

Nurse engagement and leadership development were among the top concerns cited in a recent survey of healthcare leaders who reflected on challenges in nursing. To engage the nurse workforce, leaders themselves must be engaged, perioperative services leaders recently told OR Manager. In part 1 of this two-part series, they discussed…

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By: Cynthia Saver, MS, RN
June 20, 2017

Joint Commission issues new alert on safety culture

Editor's Note The Joint Commission on March 1 issued a new Sentinel Event Alert on “The essential role of leadership in developing a safety culture.” Leadership’s failure to create an effective safety culture is contributing to adverse events such as wrong-site surgery and delays in treatment, the Joint Commission says.…

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By: Judy Mathias
March 2, 2017

Military leadership principles point way to better patient care

Physicians receive little leadership training in medical school, so they don’t always perform well in leadership roles. At Florida Hospital Orlando, that education gap is being filled through the Physician Leader Development (PLD) program, which applies military leadership principles to the healthcare setting. The innovative course has benefited not only…

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By: OR Manager
December 14, 2016

Targeted communication training raises hospital safety culture scores

Implementation of crew resource management training at a large academic medical center led to statistically significant improvements in 10 out of 12 dimensions of safety culture, according to surveys conducted before and after training took place. Crew resource management (CRM) is a systematic approach adapted from the airline industry to…

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By: OR Manager
August 8, 2016

Culture change: The best defense against communication failures

Although most OR clinicians would agree poor team communication puts patients at risk, misunderstandings are not uncommon in the perioperative setting. Understanding how communication failures occur and how to correct course takes time and effort, but using the right tools and educating staff can ultimately make patients safer. “The biggest…

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By: OR Manager
April 20, 2016

Safety culture linked to SSI rates

Editor's Note A positive safety and teamwork culture and engaged hospital management were associated with lower surgical site infection (SSI) rates after colon surgery in this study. Researchers, led by Martin Makary, MD, from Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, measured 12 dimensions of safety culture and colon SSI rates in surgical…

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By: Judy Mathias
January 27, 2016

Active listening lowers stress, builds confidence

The use of storytelling and listening to staff stories can be a valuable tool to help OR managers understand and mitigate workplace challenges and incivility. These are the findings of a doctoral study by Patricia Littlejohn, MBA, RN, CNOR, director, neurosciences and program development, Regional Medical Center, San Jose, California.…

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By: Judith M. Mathias, MA, RN
December 16, 2015
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