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Latest Issue of OR Manager
July 2024
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Connecticut, Arizona nursing schools fail to comply, face shutdown

Editor's Note Connecticut-based Stone Academy is the latest nursing program to close doors on three campuses due to compliance issues related to unqualified faculty, invalid student clinical experiences, and recording attendance, as cited by the Connecticut Office of Higher Education (OHE). This closure comes one year after Phoenix, Arizona-based Aspen…

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By: Lindsay Botts
February 17, 2023

OR Manager Conference Program Committee Meets to Construct 2023 Agenda

The OR Manager Conference will take place September 18–20, 2023, in Nashville, Tennessee, at Music City Center. The Program Committee overseeing the OR Manager Conference met recently to develop the 2023 conference program. At the meeting, committee members focused on developing hot topics and recruiting new speakers not seen at…

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By: Lindsay Botts
January 31, 2023

OR Manager Award nominations accepted through August 26

Throughout the past year, you have likely drawn inspiration from someone on your team or an industry colleague. This person is always ready to help, makes your facility a better work environment, or goes the extra mile to ensure quality outcomes even when not asked to assist. Now is the…

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By: Lindsay Botts
August 18, 2022

Study: COVID was third leading cause of death in 2020, 2021

Editor's Note According to a study analyzing national death certificate data by researchers at the National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), COVID-19 was the third leading cause of death in the US between March 2020 and October 2021, Healthcare Purchasing News (HPN) July 6 reports. During…

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By: Tarsilla Moura
July 6, 2022

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Early Bird Rates Expire July 28!

Register now to gain access to: 3 Days of breakout sessions, keynote presentations, and interactive workshops 80 Faculty ready to answer your burning questions 1,000 Fellow perioperative leaders facing the same challenges as you 140+ Exhibitors offering products and services to streamline processes The Hybrid OR – Witness the future…

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By: Lindsay Botts
June 28, 2022

Last chance: 2022 Salary/Career Survey closing soon

Editor's Note Your insight can help shape future educational content with OR Manager! As an OR leader, we understand the challenges you face in the transforming healthcare landscape. To better understand your experiences, educational needs, and overall job satisfaction, OR Manager surveys perioperative leaders through our annual Salary/Career Survey. The…

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By: Lindsay Botts
June 1, 2022

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Study: Cardiac complications more common after COVID-19 infection than vaccination

Editor's Note In a Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an analysis of electronic health records (EHR) from 40 US health systems showed that the risk of developing myocarditis and other inflammatory heart conditions after COVID-19 vaccination is “substantially lower” than it is…

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By: Tarsilla Moura
May 26, 2022

UW Medicine conducting national clinical trial on inflatable tubular stent

Editor's Note Cardiologists at the University of Washington School of Medicine (UW Medicine) in Seattle, Washington, are participating in a national clinical trial to test a device designed to control bleeding if a vessel near the heart is inadvertently perforated during a catheter-based procedure, Healthcare Purchasing News May 26 reported.…

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By: Tarsilla Moura
May 26, 2022

Private sector, federal agency experts join Biden Administration to boost healthcare supply chain

Editor's Note The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has engaged experts from the private sector and various government agencies to “share information and best practices, identify threats, and mitigate risks” regarding the US supply chains, including for healthcare, according to an Office of the Assistant Secretary for…

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By: Tarsilla Moura
May 25, 2022

CDC health advisory update on treating COVID-19 recurrence with antiviral pill

Editor's Note The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on May 24 issued a Health Alert Network Health Advisory to update healthcare providers and the public on treating the potential for recurrence of COVID-19, also termed “COVID-19 rebound.” According to the health advisory update, there is “currently no evidence…

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By: Tarsilla Moura
May 25, 2022
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