June 28, 2023

The Joint Commission starts new voluntary Health Care Equity Certification

Editor's Note

The Joint Commission, on June 27, announced that it is starting a new voluntary Health care Equity Certification Program, effective July 1.

The advanced certification recognizes hospitals for excellence in their efforts to provide equitable care, treatment, and services and builds on longstanding accreditation requirements that support healthcare equity and new requirements to reduce healthcare disparities.

The new certification requirements address the following domains:

  • Leadership
  • Collaboration
  • Data collection
  • Provision of care
  • Performance improvement.

In addition to all Joint Commission accredited hospitals and critical access hospitals, the Health Care Equity Certification will be available to non-Joint Commission accredited hospitals and critical access hospitals that comply with federal laws, including the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Conditions of Participation, The Joint Commission says.

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