July 13, 2022

Researchers develop model to explain Long COVID

By: Judy Mathias

Editor's Note

In this study, researchers in New Zealand identify how post-viral fatigue syndromes, including Long COVID, become life-changing diseases and why patients have frequent relapses.

Viral infections commonly result in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, which causes brain-centered symptoms of neuroinflammation, brain fog, lack of refreshing sleep, and poor response to  stress. Long COVID has similar effects and is believed to also be caused by neruoinflammation.

The researchers developed a model to explain how the brain-centered symptoms are sustained through a brain-body connection. Following an initial viral infection, the systemic pathology moves to the brain via neurovascular pathways, which results in chronic neuroinflammation.

This study identifies a subset of patients who develop such syndromes when exposed to severe stress, such as COVID-19 infection.

This model will enable best evidence-based knowledge of these illnesses and best management practices to be developed, the researchers says.

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