June 18, 2020

Joint Commission: Special COVID-19 equipment, utilities ITM survey considerations

Editor's Note

The Joint Commission announced June 17 that it has resumed limited survey activities this month, and that scoring of items that are not compliant will not be the primary focus during the COVID-19 public health emergency.

However, the Joint Commission says, there are several elements of performance (EPs) in the Environment of Care chapter that relate to the inspection, testing, and maintenance (ITM) of equipment and utilities, which, if left unchecked for a full accreditation cycle, could have a significant impact on the physical environment and raise serious safety concerns.

At the time of survey, if the impacted EPs are out of compliance after the organization’s established survey ready date, a requirement for improvement (RFI) will be scored.

If the organization is non-deemed, the normal post-survey will take place, but if the organization is deemed and an EP is scored, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Condition of Participation also will be evaluated.


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