November 18, 2015

Survey: ICD-10 has reduced hospital productivity

By: Judy Mathias

Editor's Note

In a survey by Himagine Solutions, large hospitals reported a 30% to 45% reduction in productivity for inpatients and a 20% to 40% reduction for outpatients since implementation of the ICD-10 codes, Healthcare Informatics reports.

Though loss in productivity can mean a disruption to the revenue cycle, one third of respondents were not planning on adding resources to address the decline.

Most initial delays have been manageable; however, hospitals are waiting for denial and reimbursement data to see the real impact to the bottom line.


Large hospitals have reported a 30 to 45 percent productivity reduction on the inpatient side and a 20 to 40 percent productivity reduction on the outpatient side since implementation the ICD-10 codes, according to data from Himagine Solutions, a healthcare outsourcing solutions provider.

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