March 7, 2023

Effect of work stressors on RN exhaustion during COVID-19

By: Judy Mathias

Editor's Note

This study from the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh examines the effect of a stressful work environment (ie, combined effect of a lack of COVID-19-related support and communication, 3 role stressors, and bullying) on RN exhaustion.

A total of 169 questionnaires were analyzed (16.6% response rate).

Results showed:

  • role overload, role ambiguity, and nonparticipation were strongly related to bullying
  • there was an interactive relationship between lack of COVID-19 related support and communication and perceived organizational support at different levels of bullying
  • role overload, role ambiguity, and bullying had positive direct effects on exhaustion, whereas perceived organizational support had negative direct and indirect effects.

Individual-based cognitive skills training along with organizational-based stress interventions and leadership development programs could reduce RN exhaustion, the author concludes.

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