March 1, 2023

Balance benefits longevity

Editor's Note

A study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that in people over 50 years of age, not being able to balance on one foot for 10 seconds was associated with a higher risk of all-cause mortality within the next 10 years, the February 24 reports.

Using the findings of this research, fitness trainer, nutritionist, and corrective exercise specialist Stephanie Mellinger outlines five exercises to help with balance training, which can benefit longevity.

The exercises are:

  • Single-leg deadlift
  • Single-let sit-to-stand
  • Plank
  • Clock-taps
  • Lateral step-ups (with knee raises).

The exercises target stabilizing muscles in the ankles, knees, quads, hips, glutes, and core.

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