Tag: mortality risks

FDA announces Class 1 recalls for ventilators, LVAS monitors

Editor's Note The US Food and Drug Administration has announced class 1 recalls—the most severe category indicating risk of serious injury or death—for Abbot Medical’s HeartMate System Monitor and Philips Respironics OmniLab Advanced+ (OLA+) ventilator. According to the agency’s June 28 report, the recall of the HeartMate System Monitor, part…

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By: Matt Danford
July 1, 2024

Study: Ozempic slows disease, reduces cardiovascular risk in CKD, diabetes patients

Editor's Note Semaglutide, the active ingredient in Ozempic diabetes treatment and Wegovy weight-loss treatment, outperformed a placebo and demonstrated capacity to reduce risk of death from kidney-related or cardiovascular causes in a recent study of patients with type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease spearheaded by manufacturer Novo Nordisk. Published…

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By: Matt Danford
May 28, 2024

Study: Thrombectomy beneficial in high-risk acute stroke patients with large infarct

Editor's Note Building on previous evidence favoring thrombectomy even in high-risk cases, the prospective randomized LASTE trial finds the surgical procedure could reduce mortality and improve funcational outcomes in patients with acute stroke and large infarct of unrestricted size. Medpage Today reported the news May 8. Originally published in the…

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By: Matt Danford
May 16, 2024

Premature mortality rates higher for lesbian, bisexual female nurses

JAMA (healthcare publication) Network logo

Editor's Note Sexual orientation has a significant impact on all-cause mortality rates among female nurses, according to a study published April 25 in Jama. The prospective cohort study focused on 90,833 women initially recruited in 1989 for Nurses’ Health Study II whose sexual orientation had been identified in 1995. Of…

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By: Matt Danford
May 7, 2024

ASA annual meeting highlights top 10 risks of providing anesthesia in ambulatory setting

Editor's Note There are certain patients and clinical situations that may require anesthesiologists to say no to performing surgery in the outpatient/ambulatory setting, Anesthesiology News April 4 reports. At the 2023 annual meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA), BobbieJean Sweitzer, MD, a professor of medical education at the…

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By: Tarsilla Moura
April 9, 2024

Study: 10% of deaths after PCI preventable

Editor's Note New data show 10% of deaths from percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), a common and minimally invasive procedure to unclog arteries, are preventable. The study appeared in PLOS ONE on March 27. PCI is one of the most common surgical procedures. More than 500,000 Americans undergo the procedure each…

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By: Brita Belli
April 9, 2024

Blood test could help identify risk of sepsis, organ failure in children

Editor's Note Measuring gene activity in blood samples could help determine whether a child is at risk of sepsis and organ failure, according to findings published March 18 in The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health.  It is often difficult for clinicians to diagnose sepsis because the symptoms are similar to…

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By: Brita Belli
March 29, 2024

Researchers test alternative approach to ranking US heart transplant candidates

Editor's Note The current method for identifying heart transplant candidates with the most urgent need might not be the best one. In a study published February 13 in Jama Network, a candidate risk score incorporating the latest clinical, laboratory, and hemodynamic data out-performed the current treatment-based categorical allocation system.  …

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By: Matt Danford
February 29, 2024

Study: COVID-19 could elevate risk of surgical mortality, complications

Editor's Note Due to its impact on a variety of organ systems, COVID-19 could elevate perioperative risks even among patients with mild symptoms, according to a study published in the February 2024 issue of Anesthesiology. Focused on patients presenting for elective inpatient surgery between April 2020 and April 2021, the…

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By: Matt Danford
February 16, 2024

AI tool determines postoperative mortality risk

Editor's Note A new artificial intelligence (AI) tool developed by researchers at the Smidt Heart Institute at Cedars-Sinai could help doctors better understand which patients are at greatest risk of dying following surgery, according to a December 15 report in Newswise. Based on findings originally published in the Lancet Digital…

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By: Brita Belli
December 19, 2023
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