March 16, 2022

Arkansas health system nurse retreat good for mental health

By: Tarsilla Moura

Editor's Note

At the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS), UAMS Health, Little Rock, Arkansas, a half-day retreat for frontline nurses got instituted by Trenda Ray, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, UAMS Health's chief nursing officer and associate vice chancellor for patient care services, Health Leaders March 14 reports. The retreat set up is to reportedly help participating nurses to value self-care, but according to Ray, the nurses were skeptical about it at first.

The idea for the retreat, called “Caring for the Nurse Retreat,” originated when “a UAMS researcher who was focused on physician wellness and burnout” survey staff pre-pandemic and included nurses. According to Ray, the survey results showed that nurses “surpassed residents, students, and attending physicians” when it came to burnout.

The retreat is open to all RNs and licensed practical nurses, occurs monthly, and has a half-day/off-site structure limited to 12–14 participants. Yoga and cooking are big parts of the retreat, Ray told Health Leaders, and evaluations from retreat participants “have consistently ranked high.” Feedback from nurses have expressed gratitude to UAMS leadership for “valuing” them and their time, and “investing in [their] wellness.”

Out of some 2,000 nurses comprising UAMS Health’s staff, nearly 200 have participated in the retreat. Future plans for this program include expanding it to twice a month and designing alternate versions for other staff members. For nurse leaders interested in starting a nursing retreat at their hospitals, Ray encouraged they “first review what resources are available within their institution.” For more tips, check out the full Health Leaders story below.

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