September 9, 2022

AHA releases part 3, final workforce guide series

By: Tarsilla Moura

Editor's Note

The American Hospital Association (AHA) on September 7 released part three of a three-part series of its workforce guide focused on strategies, resources, and case studies from hospitals and other health systems. The AHA Board of Trustees’ Task Force on Workforce provided guidance for the series with input from AHA members, the association noted.

The report, initially released on July 27, is intended to help hospitals and health system leaders maintain and advance the workforce using data to analyze and study trends. The final section focuses on recruitment and retention, diversity and inclusion, and creative staffing models. Part two focused on data analytics and technology, including guidance to work through online forms that can assess employee attitudes and potential challenges that may be presented, OR Manager August 2 reported. Part one provided advice and resources to address behavioral health and prevent workplace violence.

“Despite the most trying of circumstances, our healthcare workforce continues to give of themselves to offer healing and consolation, night and day, day-in and day-out,” said Ron Werft, task force chair and president and CEO of Cottage Health. “There is no higher priority than ensuring that we care for the caregiver, that we make our working environment safe, and that we foster the ability for individuals to have joy in their work.”

Visit here to access the three-part guide.

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