Tag: temperature

Surgical scrub evolution and the future of smart medical attire

For surgeons and other medical professionals, what to wear to work is more than just an afterthought. Over the decades, surgical scrubs have undergone a significant transformation, evolving from simple, functional garments to sophisticated attire that prioritizes both comfort and infection control. They are not merely clothing but a vital…

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By: Steven John Cumper, B.App.Sc. (Osteo), M.Ost.
March 22, 2024

Rethinking the standard 98.6 degree body temperature

Editor's Note Looking at the temperature measurements of more than 126,000 patients, researchers have found that the once-accepted standard body temperature of 98.6 degrees may not be an accurate measure, as reported in JAMA Internal Medicine on September 5.   The 98.6 degree average was originally arrived at in 1868 by…

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By: Brita Belli
October 17, 2023
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