Takeaways • Compared to 2023, the percentage of respondents reporting an increase in open positions for RNs and STs, as well as increased turnover for RNs, remained stable, but fewer reported a drop in ST turnover. • The percentage of respondents reporting hiring more managers set a 9-year record. •…
Editor's Note The American Medical Association (AMA) annual, nationwide prior authorization survey reveals that over 90% of physicians believe prior authorization negatively impacts patient clinical outcomes. “More telling,” AMA reported July 17, is the fact that 78% of physicians report that this process “sometimes or often” leads to patients abandoning…
Editor's Note Although fewer Michigan nurses planned to leave the profession in 2023 compared to 2022, the profession still faces unsafe conditions, understaffing, and high rates of abuse, according to a two-year, statewide survey published July 18 in JAMA Network Open. Conducted by researchers at the University of Michigan School…
Editor's Note The latest "Best Hospitals" rankings from U.S. News & World Report have been released with significant updates to methodology in response to recent controversies. MedPage Today reported the news July 16. Among the chief changes this year is the inclusion of Medicare Advantage data in the rankings, a…
Editor's Note Less than half of physicians surveyed by the American Medical Association (AMA) in 2023 reported feeling burned out—the first time the figure has dropped below the 50% mark since 2020. These findings evidence continued decline in burnout from the record-high 62.8% in 2021 and 53% in 2022, according…
Editor's Note Healthcare executives expect the US nurse shortage to worsen, according to the 2024 Healthcare Executive Report from Incredible Health, a career marketplace for healthcare workers. Projected to reach 1 million by 2030, the shortage is exacerbating stress on current staff and compromising care quality, according to the company’s June…
Editor's Note Coworker and employer support strongly influence nurses' intentions to remain in their jobs, while symptoms of depression are associated with nurses planning to leave, according to a study conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic by researchers at NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing. Available to the public September 30…
Editor's Note Negative portrayals of nursing on social media play a major role in deterring members of Generation Z from pursuing careers in the profession, according to survey results from nursing marketplace platform ShiftKey. According to a June 4 report in The Hill, the survey involved 1,000 individuals aged 18…
Editor's Note The median hospital margin of 3.8% for April is an improvement over the previous month and year-over-year, according to the latest National Hospital Flash Report from Kaufman Hall. Compiled by Kaufman and Syntellis Performance Solutions (now part of Strata), the monthly report analyzes 3 years’ worth of both…
Editor's Note Need for physical examination, technological limitations, care quality concerns, and malpractice risk topped the list of perceived barriers to employing video visits in surgical care in a study published May 10 in the journal Surgery. This study was reportedly the first to comprehensively survey surgeons on their perception…