Tag: Standards

Joint Commission, ASHE launch new Physical Environment portal

Editor's Note The Joint Commission and the American Society for Healthcare Engineering on July 14 launched the new Physical Environment portal. The portal provides online resources and tools to help hospitals improve compliance with the eight most challenging Joint Commission Life Safety and Environment of Care standards. Upcoming education modules…

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By: OR Manager
July 15, 2015

Onus on OR managers to scope out competency of endoscopy staff

Recent highly publicized outbreaks of infections linked to improper reprocessing of flexible endoscopes have raised concerns about infection prevention in gastrointestinal endoscopy procedures. Because of the headlines, legislatures are hearing from their constituents that they are fearful of being exposed to infections, and legislatures are getting involved. The Society of…

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By: OR Manager
July 15, 2014

Don't err on air pressure: Joint Commission is watching

Moving quickly up the ranks of the top 10 most frequently scored standards for Joint Commission accreditation is EC.02.05.01. At the end of 2012, this standard was just barely in tenth place, with 34% of hospitals noncompliant. By the first half of 2013, it had moved to fourth place and…

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By: OR Manager
June 16, 2014

New consensus statement for cardiac cath labs

For the first time, cardiac catheterization laboratory personnel have a document defining best practices, including time-outs, infection prevention, and preprocedure checklists. The statement, from The Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (SCAI), issued in March 2012, is the first to represent consensus on the operation of cath labs, the lead…

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By: OR Manager
July 3, 2012

Joint Commission's top ten toughest standards

What’s on the Joint Commission’s list of problem standards? The top 10 scored standards didn’t change much in 2011. Five of the top 10 are Environment of Care/Life Safety issues. Here’s a look at the trouble spots as identified at the Joint Commission’s executive briefing in late 2011.   Medical…

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By: OR Manager
April 3, 2012

RI standardizes safe-site protocol

All of Rhode Island's 13 acute care hospitals have agreed to a single safe-surgery protocol, in what is thought to be a first for a state. The protocol, announced in July 2009, outlines steps for 3 phases of surgery—briefing, time-out, and debriefing—and includes elements of the Joint Commission Universal Protocol…

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By: Pat Patterson
September 1, 2009

Ensuring a comparable standard of care for cesarean deliveries

Your facility is having a baby boom. The number of cesarean births is exceeding the obstetrical unit's capacity. Administrators want the OR to perform the overflow cases. What plans do you make for patient safety and care of both mother and newborn? The cesarean birth rate has risen by more…

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By: Pat Patterson
June 1, 2009

AORN updates recommended practices

AORN offered updates on 3 of its recommended practices for 2009 at its annual Congress in March in Chicago: high-level disinfection cleaning and processing of flexible endoscopes surgical hand antisepsis. The first 2 recommended practices appear in the 2009 Perioperative Standards and Recommended Practices book. The third will be issued…

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By: OR Manager
May 1, 2009

AdvaMed adopts expanded code of ethics

The code of ethics that guides relations between medical device companies and health care professionals has had a major update. The trade group AdvaMed (Advanced Medical Technology Association) issued a comprehensive revision of its ethics code in December 2008. The revised code is effective July 1, 2009. The purpose, AdvaMed…

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By: OR Manager
January 1, 2009

AORN updates recommended practices

AORN has updated 7 recommended practices (RPs) for 2008. Highlights were covered at the AORN Congress March 30 to April 4 in Anaheim. Here are selected highlights, which were presented by members of the Recommended Practices Committee. For the complete text, see AORN's 2008 Perioperative Standards and Recommended Practices. Each…

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By: OR Manager
June 1, 2008
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