Tag: Scheduling & Utilization

Ways to break loose from OR holds

OR holds slow the entire hospital's throughput. "What happens in the OR doesn't stay in the OR—it affects the whole system," says Christy Dempsey, RN, MBA, CNOR, senior vice president of clinical operations for PatientFlow Technology, Inc, Boston. The emergency department (ED) and ICU are particularly hard hit. Holds can…

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By: Cynthia Saver, RN, MS
March 1, 2008

Are your operating rooms 'efficient'?

Getting the right case in the right room at the right time is the goal for every OR director. Often, though, defining how well the OR suite runs depends on whom you ask. The question, "Are my ORs efficient?" could be could be answered with a qualitative approach by administering…

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By: Alex Macario, MD, MBA
December 1, 2007
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