Tag: OR team

State of the huddle: The barriers to and benefits of preop meetings

Complex problems do not always require complex solutions. Consider the surgical safety checklist. In 2020, more than a decade after the World Health Organization (WHO) started advocating that every hospital use the checklist, research from PSNET found that more than 90% of ORs in countries with a high human development…

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By: Maya Ber-Lerner
June 24, 2024

Study: Surgeons cited for unprofessional behavior more frequently than other specialties

JAMA (healthcare publication) Network logo

Editor's Note Surgeons are more likely to be reported for unprofessional behavior than any other category of physician, and pediatric specialists are least likely, according to a study published June 6 in Jama Network Open. Based on data from the Center for Patient and Professional Advocacy's Coworker Observation Reporting System…

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By: Matt Danford
June 20, 2024

Why developing employees is a key competency for new managers

Takeaways Meeting people where they are is a basic principle of staff development. Coaching and mentoring are fundamental to employee development, but new managers should understand the difference. Resources for staff development include education, certification, clinical ladders, committee work, and professional networking. Transitioning to leadership involves many competing pressures, but…

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By: Cynthia Saver, MS, RN
May 24, 2024

How awareness evolves to action on surgeon, patient gender gaps

Takeaways Although women comprise half the population, they were left out of medical research on major causes of death for both women and men—cancer, heart disease, and stroke—until 1990. Using surgical tools designed by men, for men can impact every aspect of a woman surgeon’s work, from learning new procedures…

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By: Brita Belli
May 24, 2024

Editorial: Perioperative leaders push teamwork, communication at 2024 AORN Expo

Left sniffling and sneezing after a whirlwind 4 days at my first AORN Global Surgical Conference and Expo in Nashville, Tennessee, I had more on my mind than whether the term “conference-acquired infection (CAI)” was officially part of the medical nomenclature, much less whether any studies had been done. I…

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By: Matt Danford
April 19, 2024

Supporting healthcare staff with on-demand staffing solutions

healthcare nurse staff

Healthcare systems worldwide, regardless of their size or market, are facing the same challenge: how to meet the growing demand for qualified staff without straining hospital budgets. According to a report by the American Hospital Association, health systems are experiencing a significant workforce turnover that began in 2016. On average,…

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By: Craig Allan Ahrens, MHA, MBA
January 23, 2024

Coordinating surgical care means precise staff handoffs

In every OR, the complicated dance of surgical care coordination—the series of handoffs between stakeholders throughout the surgery lifecycle—is performed mainly in the background. Those stakeholders include physician offices, schedulers, preadmission testing, insurance verification, vendors, sterile processing, supply chain, anesthesia, and surgical staff. But what does it look like when…

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By: Carisa Brewster and Jonathan Reimer
January 23, 2024

Sources, consequences of intraoperative stress in surgical teams

Editor's Note This study from the Minneapolis VA Healthcare System finds that intraoperative stress in surgical teams is common and has multiple sources, including adverse events. Researchers conducted 28 interviews with surgical team members on intraoperative stress and emotional and behavioral responses to stressors. The researchers then identified themes in…

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By: Judy Mathias
August 29, 2023

Surgeons’ leadership style linked to team behavior in hybrid OR

Editor's Note This study, led by researchers in Belgium, finds that surgeons’ leadership style enhances surgical team behavior, especially during the most complex phases. A total of 22 endovascular procedures (47 hours of video recordings) were analyzed. Among the findings: Surgeons’ transformational leadership was positively related to the extent that…

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By: Judy Mathias
June 12, 2023
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