Tag: nursing unions

Nurse union survey: AI patient safety threats prove need for strict guardrails

Editor's Note Artificial intelligence (AI) threatens patient safety by undermining the judgment of human nurses, according to a survey by National Nurses United (NNU). “The findings, coupled with anecdotal reports from nurses at hospitals nationwide, underscore the urgent need for stricter regulation and greater input from nurses and health care…

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By: Matt Danford
May 24, 2024

Survey shows nationwide surge in nurses reporting workplace violence

Editor's Note New survey data indicate most nurses have experienced workplace violence within the past year, and the problem appears to be getting worse. Conducted by National Nurses United (NNU), the nation’s largest union and professional association of registered nurses, the nationwide survey gathered data from nearly 1,000 nurses working…

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By: Matt Danford
February 14, 2024

Kaiser Permanente workers agree to new labor contract post-strike

Editor's Note Kaiser Permanente union workers have agreed to a new 4-year contract that includes 21% raises along with new minimum wages and provisions to improve staffing shortages, Chief Healthcare Executive November 10 reports.  In October of this year, more than 75,000 Kaiser Permanente healthcare workers, including nurses and technicians,…

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By: Brita Belli
November 17, 2023

Nursing schools are denying qualified applicants due to staffing shortages

Editor's Note Due to staffing shortages, thousands of qualified applicants were turned away from nursing schools last year, despite the nationwide shortage of nurses, CNN Business October 5 reports. According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, nearly 78,200 qualified applications were denied by nursing schools in 2022. Nearly 66,300…

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By: Brita Belli
October 6, 2023

Effect of union membership on nursing turnover, job satisfaction

Editor's Note This study, led by Lewis College of Business, Marshall University, South Charleston, West Virginia, examines the relationship between nursing unions and nurse turnover and job satisfaction. A total of 43,960 nurses from the 2018 National Sample Survey of Registered Nurses were included in the analysis. About 16% were…

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By: Judy Mathias
June 1, 2023
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