Takeaways • OR leaders’ satisfaction with many work factors has increased significantly. • Financial compensation has improved slightly for many leaders. • OR leaders supervise more full-time equivalent (FTE) employees than last year. OR leaders are more satisfied in their work compared to a year ago, and their earnings have…
Editor's Note A dispute over cameras in ORs reportedly added tension to nurse strike negotiations that recently culminated in a tentative agreement with union nurses at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. According to an August 7 CBS News report, the OR cameras are intended to assist with robotic surgeries.…
Editor's Note Although fewer Michigan nurses planned to leave the profession in 2023 compared to 2022, the profession still faces unsafe conditions, understaffing, and high rates of abuse, according to a two-year, statewide survey published July 18 in JAMA Network Open. Conducted by researchers at the University of Michigan School…
Editor's Note Heightened demand has made nursing lucrative relative to other professions, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a May 9 report from healthcare job marketplace Vivian Health. Based on the firm’s proprietary salary data as well as information from the Bureau of labor Statistics, Vivian estimates registered nurses…
Editor's Note Coworker and employer support strongly influence nurses' intentions to remain in their jobs, while symptoms of depression are associated with nurses planning to leave, according to a study conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic by researchers at NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing. Available to the public September 30…
Editor's Note Negative portrayals of nursing on social media play a major role in deterring members of Generation Z from pursuing careers in the profession, according to survey results from nursing marketplace platform ShiftKey. According to a June 4 report in The Hill, the survey involved 1,000 individuals aged 18…
Editor's Note The 2024 Nurse Salary and Work-Life Report, a biennial survey from nurse.com, asked participants for the first time this year about workplace violence and how work affects their mental health and wellness. According to an April 9 press release, 64% reported verbal abuse and 23% reported physical assault…
Editor's Note Sexual orientation has a significant impact on all-cause mortality rates among female nurses, according to a study published April 25 in Jama. The prospective cohort study focused on 90,833 women initially recruited in 1989 for Nurses’ Health Study II whose sexual orientation had been identified in 1995. Of…
Editor's Note Have you noticed anything different about your home city’s skyline this week? In honor of National Nurses Week, buildings and landmarks across the country are lighting up in support of what Gallup has ranked for more than 20 years as the country’s most trusted profession. The force behind…
Editor's Note Education about human trafficking is lacking in pre-licensure undergraduate nursing curricula, according to an October 2023 study in Nurse Education Today. Most victims see a healthcare provider at some point during their trafficking, yet remain unidentified, researchers write. The more than 4 million nurses in the US are…