Tag: Medication errors

Kentucky passes first-ever state law decriminalizing medical mistakes

Editor's Note Healthcare workers in Kentucky will become the first in the country to gain protection from criminal prosecution for medical errors, WKYT reported April 30. Passed unanimously by both chambers of the Kentucky legislature and signed by Gov. Andy Beshear in March, the law was championed by the Kentucky…

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By: Matt Danford
May 1, 2024

Unveiling ECRI’s 2024 top 10 health technology hazards list

What is the purpose of the top 10 health technology hazards list, released every year by ECRI? “Our number one goal at ECRI is to reduce preventable harm,” stresses Jason Launders, MSC, former director of operations, device evaluation, at ECRI. “We know that every healthcare provider has a lot they…

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By: Tarsilla Moura
February 27, 2024

Blast from the past: Improving medication safety in the OR

The US Food and Drug Administration receives more than 100,000 medication-related reports, and some of them, according to the AORN Journal, “involve patient death.” AORN’s 2024 updated guidelines include safety updates for perioperative staff when handling, transporting, and administering medication, which can be a complex process prone to errors. In…

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By: Tarsilla Moura
January 30, 2024

Study models how clinicians think about managing drug-drug interactions

Editor's Note A study published in BMJ Open is “the first to present an illustrative model of clinicians’ real-world decision making for managing DDIs,” the outlet reported on December 1. DDIs, or drug-drug interactions, are known to cause significant harm (including death), hundreds of thousands of patients hospitalized each year…

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By: Brita Belli
January 3, 2024

Leadership session: Empowering Your Team to Ensure Patient Safety

Editor's Note What is a hard stop? “Think about it,” Amy Bethel, MPA, BSN, RN, NE-BC, education coordinator for the OR Business Management Conference, urged this year’s OR Manager Conference attendees. “You all know what a hard stop is, and I know all of you have had hard stops. But…

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By: Tarsilla Moura
September 20, 2023

ECRI, ISMP support World Patient Safety Day, September 17

Editor's Note ECRI and the Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) announced September 14 that they are joining the World Health Organization and healthcare leaders around the world in celebrating World Patient Safety Day on September 17, 2022. The slogan for this year’s campaign is “Medication without Harm.” In support…

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By: Judy Mathias
September 15, 2022
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