Tag: Discharge Planning

Study: Postoperative hospital readmissions higher for older Americans

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Editor's Note Older Americans are at heightened risk for both short-term and long-term hospital readmission following major surgery, according to a study from Yale University published February 28 in Jama Network Open.   Readmission places a major financial strain on health systems, researchers write, pointing out that the total cost…

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By: Brita Belli
March 27, 2024

Study: Postoperative delirium less likely with ephedrine than phenylephrine

Editor's Note Using phenylephrine as an intraoperative vasopressor could lead to higher risk of postoperative delirium compared to ephedrine, according to findings published in the April issue of Anesthesiology. Posted online last September, these findings confirm researchers’ original hypothesis. “The treatment of intraoperative hypotension with phenylephrine may impair cerebral perfusion…

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By: Matt Danford
March 20, 2024

Many hospitals neglect best-practice suicide prevention

Editor's Note A study from the Joint Commission found that more than 25 percent of hospitals have not adopted any of the four policies identified by the organization as best-practice, evidence-based discharge practices for preventing suicide in at-risk patients.   According to a March 12 report on the implementation gap…

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By: Matt Danford
March 14, 2024

Patient engagement technologies improve surgical outcomes, perioperative experience

Editor's Note Patient engagement technologies (PETs) reduced length of stay (LOS), complication rates, and readmission rates among patients in a study published February 16 in the American Journal of Surgery. The retrospective cohort study consisted of more than 400 patients undergoing elective colorectal surgery from 2018 to 2022. Approximately 9…

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By: Matt Danford
March 7, 2024

Study: Nurses offer untapped potential to assess patient discharge readiness

Editor's Note Although few strategies for reducing readmission rates leverage nurse input, nurses are well-placed to identify patients most at risk, according to a study published in the March issue of the journal Medical Care. The authors note that older Medicare beneficiaries with multiple chronic conditions (MCCs) continue to experience…

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By: Matt Danford
February 28, 2024

Machine learning models predict ambulatory surgery end time, PACU discharge

Editor's Note In this study from the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, researchers developed a machine learning model that improved the ability to predict surgery end times and PACU discharge at a range of start times in an ambulatory surgery center (ASC). Of 13,447 surgical procedures analyzed, the…

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By: Judy Mathias
June 29, 2022

Mayo Clinic gives postop patients comforts of home

Editor's Note The Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, is giving surgical patients an option to recover outside the hospital with comforts of home and with immediate access to a care team if needed. The Mayo Clinic program, called “Monitoring at Charter House,” allows physicians to arrange for US and international patients…

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By: Judy Mathias
April 12, 2022

Effect of perioperative fall prevention intervention on postop falls, quality of life

Editor's Note This study from Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, finds that a multicomponent safety intervention, consisting of patient education, home medication review, and hazard identification in the home environment, was not associated with reductions in falls during the first year after an elective inpatient surgical procedure, but…

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By: Judy Mathias
March 14, 2022

Survey: 63% of younger nurses could leave profession

Editor's Note In this survey by the American Nurses Foundation, published March 1, 63% of nurses younger than 35 years said they intend to leave or are considering leaving the profession. A total of 12,694 nurses were surveyed. Other findings for nurses under 35 years of age, include: 46% said…

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By: Judy Mathias
March 3, 2022

Study: Nearly a third of older adults developed new medical conditions after COVID-19

Editor's Note In this study, published by the British Medical Journal, 32% of individuals, 65 years and older, who were infected with COVID-19 developed at least one new medical condition in the months after the initial infection, the February 11 Becker’s Hospital Review reports. This 32% was 11% higher than…

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By: Tarsilla Moura
February 14, 2022
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