Tag: Automation

Medical societies plead with Congress to fix ‘meaningful use’

Editor's Note A coalition of 111 medical societies on November 4 sent letters asking Senate and House leaders to take legislative action to pause Stage 3 of the electronic health records meaningful use program and revise Stage 2 so that it enables provider success, HealthData Management reports. Stage 3 requirements…

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By: Judy Mathias
November 5, 2015

Front-line staff input helps build a better EHR system

Electronic health records (EHRs) are here to stay, but implementation and optimal use are still lacking. Respondents to the 25th annual OR Manager Salary/Career Survey identified many issues, including the amount of time it takes to document in an EHR, lack of integration with other systems, physicians not fully using…

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By: OR Manager
October 28, 2015

Electronic tracking system reduces blood transfusions, infections

Editor's Note An electronic blood tracking system that monitors how physicians prescribe postoperative blood transfusions significantly reduced the amount of blood patients receive and cut infection rates in half, according to a study presented October 7 at the 2015 Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons in Chicago. The…

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By: Judy Mathias
October 9, 2015

Study: Patients prefer online postop care to in-person care

Editor's Note In this pilot study of 50 surgical patients from Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, the majority preferred online postoperative visits to in-person visits. Online visits were accepted by patients and surgeons, took less time, and effectively identified patients who required further care.    

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By: Judy Mathias
September 23, 2015

Online patient records: A trend ASCs should learn to embrace

Most ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) have some form of computer-based recordkeeping, such as scheduling and billing systems. So far, however, few have made the leap to electronic medical records (EMRs). With an EMR, clinicians enter data at the point of care, and that information is accessible to other clinical and…

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By: OR Manager
December 16, 2014

Automating sterile processing for safety, efficiency

Lean management and automation have come together to create a sterile processing department (SPD) that can efficiently process the 700 to 1,000 instrument sets a day needed to support a caseload that is primarily orthopedic. The SPD at New England Baptist Hospital in Boston is one of the few in…

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By: OR Manager
April 1, 2013

An electronic path for streamlining scheduling

An electronic form surgeons’ offices use to place scheduling orders has streamlined the preoperative process and sharply reduced case cancellations for a Chicago-area hospital. Cancellations are down from about 12% to less than 1% of cases since the scheduling form was introduced in early 2012. The offices took to the…

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By: OR Manager
February 1, 2013

Streamlining preoperative care: Role of software

A 65-year-old man with heart disease schedules a knee arthroscopy with his orthopedic surgeon. Thirty miles away, a note pops up to notify the hospital’s presurgical clinic of the impending surgery. A nurse practitioner pulls up the patient’s electronic health record (EHR), where she reviews the patient’s history. Comparing the…

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By: OR Manager
March 7, 2012

Electronic tool aids in navigating preop process

Preop “nurse navigators” aided by an electronic tool are helping a Pennsylvania health system create a more standardized, user-friendly preoperative process for preparing patients for surgery. A cornerstone of the process is evidence-based guidelines for preop evaluation developed by a 50-person task force. “We wanted to optimize our approach so…

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By: OR Manager
March 6, 2012

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