Tag: alternative work schedule

Editorial: Nurses prepare for tumultuous election

I was fresh out of the OR when I received a formal job offer from OR Manager. Although still hazy from an emergency laparoscopic appendectomy, I knew I would accept, reasoning the universe must be trying to tell me something. I also had no doubts about the other, very different…

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By: Matt Danford
January 23, 2024

Cleveland Clinic continues to embrace hybrid, remote work

Editor's Note:  Cleveland Clinic’s remote, hybrid workforce continues to expand even as other companies bring employees back to the office, Becker’s Hospital Review reported on January 12. More than 11,000 employees of Cleveland Clinic spend at least a portion of their week working online, a number that has increased from…

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By: Matt Danford
January 16, 2024

Improving IP work-life balance, retention with an alternative work schedule

Editor's Note This study from the Falls Church, Virginia-based Inova Health System finds that an alternative work schedule improved work-life balance, productivity, and morale of its infection preventionists (IPs). With the surges and threats of emerging infectious diseases, the Inova Health System was dealing with a shortage of IPs and…

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By: Judy Mathias
July 13, 2023
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