Tag: Affordable Care Act

Survey: Almost half of Americans struggle to afford healthcare

Editor's Note Nearly half of Americans struggle to afford health care and prescription medications, according to the latest Healthcare Affordability Index from West Health and Gallup. Newsweek reported on the findings July 17. Based on polling of 5,149 adults, the index shows a decline in affordability by six points since…

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By: Matt Danford
July 19, 2024

Trump record, Republican National Convention hint at GOP healthcare policy priorities

Editor's Note As the Republican National Convention meets in Milwaukee to nominate Donald Trump, the party is not expected to unveil a detailed healthcare platform. However, a July 15 report in Modern Healthcare covers what plans and past records reveal about the potential direction of health policy under a GOP…

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By: Matt Danford
July 15, 2024

Effect of Medicaid expansion on reductions in preventable hospitalizations

Editor's Note This study, led by researchers at Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, examines whether Affordable Care Act Medicaid expansion among Black, Hispanic, and White patients led to reductions in preventable hospitalizations. Data on census population and hospitalizations for ambulatory care sensitive conditions from 2010 to…

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By: Judy Mathias
September 13, 2023

Senate passes healthcare bill including drug price reforms

Editor's Note On Sunday, August 7, the Senate passed a spending bill allocating billions of dollars to climate reform and healthcare focused programs, including provisions that give “Medicare the power to negotiate drug prices for a small subset of drugs” and extend “enhanced Affordable Care Act subsidies” for 3 years,…

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By: Tarsilla Moura
August 9, 2022

US uninsured rate reaches all-time low

Editor's Note  The number of Americans without health insurance coverage has hit a record low of 8% this year, exceeding the previous low of 9% in 2016, the Department of Health and Human Services July 3 reports. Since 2020, 5.2 million people have gained coverage, including 4 million adults and…

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By: Lauren McCaffrey
August 4, 2022
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