Home Issues OR Manager
February 2024 See the full issue

A look back: The business manager role in a changing healthcare environment

Data and surveys

Takeaways • Perioperative business managers can make significant contributions to a hospital’s financial health, but more than half of hospitals do not have this role. • Business managers’ earnings have increased in the past 5 years, while the number of direct reports has risen slightly. • The bachelor’s degree has…

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By: Cynthia Saver, MS, RN
January 23, 2024

Battlefield to bedside: Navy, VA nurses share leadership lessons

Takeaways • VA and Navy hospitals are subject to many of the same requirements as their civilian counterparts, including adherence to quality and infection control standards as well as regulations from organizations such as AORN. • Rank structure plays a significant role in forming and leading OR teams at Navy…

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By: Jennifer Lubell
January 23, 2024

Editorial: Nurses prepare for tumultuous election

I was fresh out of the OR when I received a formal job offer from OR Manager. Although still hazy from an emergency laparoscopic appendectomy, I knew I would accept, reasoning the universe must be trying to tell me something. I also had no doubts about the other, very different…

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By: Matt Danford
January 23, 2024

Supporting healthcare staff with on-demand staffing solutions

healthcare nurse staff

Healthcare systems worldwide, regardless of their size or market, are facing the same challenge: how to meet the growing demand for qualified staff without straining hospital budgets. According to a report by the American Hospital Association, health systems are experiencing a significant workforce turnover that began in 2016. On average,…

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By: Craig Allan Ahrens, MHA, MBA
January 23, 2024

Managing immediate use steam sterilization

Immediate use steam sterilization (IUSS, a standard steam sterilization cycle with little to no dry time) is considered safe for patient care when the processes recommended in Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) standards and AORN guidelines are followed. IUSS is a valuable option in an emergency. Lack…

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By: Susan Klacik, BS, FCS, ACE, CHL, CIS, CRCST, AAMIF
January 23, 2024

Disaster-zone deployments demand courage amid crisis

Nursing is not a career path for the faint of heart. However, working in places wracked by civil strife and natural catastrophes can strain the composure of the most elite in any specialty. If the OR tent lifting away in strong post-hurricane winds stateside is not bad enough, imagine having…

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By: David C. Walsh
January 23, 2024

Coordinating surgical care means precise staff handoffs

In every OR, the complicated dance of surgical care coordination—the series of handoffs between stakeholders throughout the surgery lifecycle—is performed mainly in the background. Those stakeholders include physician offices, schedulers, preadmission testing, insurance verification, vendors, sterile processing, supply chain, anesthesia, and surgical staff. But what does it look like when…

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By: Carisa Brewster and Jonathan Reimer
January 23, 2024
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