Home Issues OR Manager
December 2010 See the full issue

Wrong-site errors as likely outside OR

Surprisingly, patients are just as susceptible to a wrong-site procedure outside the OR as they are in surgery, a new study finds. Also surprising: Nonsurgical specialties contributed to patient injuries from wrong-site procedures as much as surgical specialties did. The only death in the cases analyzed was from a patient…

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By: OR Manager
December 1, 2010

Understanding tissue processing

Third in a series on managing bone allografts. In the October issue, articles included were Allografts: Overview of the process; and Donor screening: First step in safety. In the November issue, articles included Help in evaluating bone allografts; Bone allografts: Options for healing; and Making good choices of DBM products.…

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By: Joel Osborne
December 1, 2010

Onboarding: Evaluating new RNs

Fourth in a series on selecting and hiring perioperative nurses and integrating them into the staff. So far, this series on onboarding has taken us from developing selection criteria to making a job offer through the initial phase of employment. The onboarding process for new OR circulators involves 14 steps…

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By: OR Manager
December 1, 2010

How allograft tissue is regulated

When your OR is selecting allograft tissue, how do you know which federal regulations govern their safety? The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) uses a tiered approach to regulating these materials, explains Scott Brubaker, CTBS, chief policy officer for the American Association of Tissue Banks (AATB). Minimally processed tissue…

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By: OR Manager
December 1, 2010

Flipping ORs: Does this common practice make business sense?

Flipping, double teaming, running ORs back-to-back. These are a few terms for the practice of providing multiple ORs for particular surgeons. The practice is widespread. A show of hands during a breakout session at the recent Managing Today's OR Suite conference in Orlando found nearly everyone used this practice. Flipping…

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By: Pat Patterson
December 1, 2010

VA study shows fewer patient deaths after OR team training

ORs in facilities that adopted team training had a lower rate of deaths for surgical patients than facilities that had not yet had training, in a large new study from the Veterans Health Administration. The 74 VA facilities that had team training saw an 18% decrease in their annual surgical…

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By: OR Manager
December 1, 2010

Creating a culture shift for safety

Less focus on checking off boxes, more focus on teamwork. That's the shift experts say is needed to make lasting change to keep patients safer in surgery. The new study from the Veterans Health Administration finds OR team training was associated with a reduction in patient mortality (related article). VA…

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By: Pat Patterson
December 1, 2010

Better compliance for preop BP meds

When leaders at New Jersey Surgery Center (NJSC) saw an increase in postoperative hypertension and lengths of stay for some patients, they decided to look deeper. They learned that discharges were being delayed because more patients were receiving vasoactive drugs and needed prolonged surveillance, says Patricia O'Donnell, RN-BC, CPAN, CAPA,…

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By: OR Manager
December 1, 2010

AAMI advice on Class 6 indicators

Recommendations for Class 6 emulating indicators, a new class of indicator for monitoring sterilization, have been issued for the first time by the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI). These indicators, which entered the market a couple of years ago, use a different approach than biological indicators (BI).…

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By: Martha Young, MS, CSPDT
December 1, 2010
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