[Free Webinar] First Step to Prevention of Perioperative Pressure Injuries: Risk Assessment

First Step to Prevention of Perioperative Pressure Injuries: Risk Assessment 

Wednesday, October 2, 2019 | 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. ET | 1 CE

Despite all the attention given to perioperative pressure injuries, a lack of understanding of contributing risk factors and appropriate prevention measures persists. In fact, according to the National Health Care Quality Report, 60,000 patients die annually related to complications from pressure injuries.

Join us for this free webinar, where Cassendra A. Munro will discuss the correct application of the Munro Scale© risk assessment instrument. It’s a measure to standardize the first action in developing a surgical patient’s pressure injury prevention plan during the preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative phases of care. Register today! Don’t miss out on valuable information about this simple method designed to help perioperative nurses with identification of patient-specific and perioperative risk factors related to pressure injury.


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