July 6, 2015

Time-to-readmission after surgery linked to increased mortality

By: OR Manager

Editor's Note

Surgical readmissions within 10 days of discharge were disproportionately common and associated with increased mortality in this study.

Increasing time-to-readmission correlated with a stepwise decrease in mortality: For example, 90-day mortality was 12.6% in patients readmitted between 1 and 5 days, 11.4% at 6 to 10 days, and 10.4% for 11 to 15 days. Similar patterns were found for 30- and 60-day mortality.


Objectives: To determine if mortality varies by time-to-readmission (TTR). Background: Although readmissions reduction is a national health care priority, little progress has been made toward understanding why only some readmissions lead to adverse outcomes.

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