July 11, 2023

The Joint Commission updates resources in Health Care Equity accreditation, certification resource centers

Editor's Note

The Joint Commission, on July 5, announced that it had updated its Health Care Equity (HCE) Accreditation Standards & Resource Center and its HCE Certification Resource Center to help organizations meet healthcare equity requirements.

New resources in the HCE Accreditation Standards & Resource Center include:

  • the feasibility of screening for social determinants of health
  • identifying and addressing social needs in primary care settings
  • achieving health equity via the development of an equity charter.

New resources in the HCE Certification Resource Center include a:

  • systematic review of social risk screening tools
  • racial equity in healthcare progress report playbook
  • spotlight on the Racial Equity in Healthcare Progress Report, which tracks advancements made by healthcare organizations in achieving racial healthcare equity.

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