October 11, 2023

The Joint Commission addresses pressure injury dangers in new Quick Safety

Editor's Note

The Joint Commission has released a new Quick Safety Issue to call attention to the serious risks inherent with pressure injuries. "Quick Safety Issue 70: Early identification and evaluation of severe pressure injuries" was published on October 9.

The following are some highlights:

  • Pressure injuries can be caused by immobility, lack of sensory or pain perception, poor nutrition or dehydration, obesity, and dementia, among other causes. 
  • Severe pressure injuries can lead to serious outcomes including amputation, as well as unnecessary pain and suffering and systemic infection.
  • Nurses and clinicians examining pressure injuries should look for certain warning signs and symptoms, including expressing additional exudate, blister formation, deep red color, painful or hot tissue, and changing lab results. 
  • These signs should prompt clinicians to seek a surgical consult. 

The Joint Commission Quick Safety report notes that early involvement of the surgical team can help both with early detection and early interventions.

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