December 11, 2023

Scientists uncover new path to regenerate injured hearts

Editor's Note

Researchers are studying how heart muscle cells called cardiomyocytes can be repaired and regenerated to improve functioning and help prevent more serious long-term consequences. The study, titled “Reduced mitochondrial protein translation promotes cardiomyocyte proliferation and heart regeneration,” was published by the journal Circulation—part of the American Heart Association—on October 31. 

Cardiomyocytes are the foundation of cardiac tissue and are driven by mitochondria, tiny powerhouses of the cell needed to keep the constant functioning of the heart on track. Findings show lightly reducing mitochondrial activity in the adult heart via reduction of a protein called MRPS5 could facilitate regeneration after injury.

The findings present a new avenue for treating heart attacks and other causes of heart damage. Scientists plan to work with pharmaceutical companies to develop new therapies leveraging this new method of regeneration. 


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