October 21, 2022

Save the Date: OR Manager Conference 2023, call for proposals

By: Tarsilla Moura

Editor's Note

For those who were unable to join us in Denver, Colorado, for the 2022 OR Manager Conference, each session has been recorded and will be available for purchase and to earn CE credits online. Attendees of the conference receive complimentary access to all recorded sessions. Stay tuned for information on the launch date.

This year, the 35th anniversary of the conference, marked a record number of new OR manager attendees. For both veteran and new leaders alike, the OR Manager Conference offers strategies and real-world insight to effectively improve operations of the surgical suite. The new year will bring a new opportunity to expand professional networks, share resources and best practices, and bring home tactical tools to easily and immediately implement learnings.

The next OR Manager Conference will take place September 18-20, 2023, in Nashville, Tennessee, at Music City Center. Pre-conference workshops will take place on September 17.

Anyone interested in sharing their experience in improving operations, implementing new processes, effectively managing volume, or retaining staff is encouraged to submit a proposal for the 2023 OR Manager Conference.

The program committee is looking for speakers representing academic medical centers; ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs); and tertiary, community, and children’s hospitals. Here’s a sampling of topics of interest:

  • Staffing Solutions
  • Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
  • Sterile Processing
  • Preceptor Training
  • Educator Teamwork
  • Resilience and Mental Health
  • Future of ASCs and Outpatient Surgeries
  • Financial Management
  • Supply Chain Strategies
  • Medication Safety Errors
  • PACU and Pain Control
  • Endoscopy Procedures
  • Enhanced Recovery After Surgery
  • Infection Control
  • Process Improvement
  • Succession Planning
  • Preparing the Next Generation of New Managers

Presenters receive a complimentary Conference Pass, recognition as a speaker in all communications promoting the event, and networking opportunities to engage with managers, directors, executives/C-Suite, administrators, and other perioperative leadership.

The deadline for abstract submissions is December 15, 2022.


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