June 16, 2016

Resolution approved to provide more bleeding control training, kits

By: Judy Mathias

Editor's Note

An American College of Surgeons (ACS)-sponsored resolution to train more professional (ie, police, firefighters) and civilian first responders in the techniques of bleeding control and to place bleeding control kits with the responders was approved June 14 by the American Medical Association House of Delegates, ACS says in a June 15 news release.

This type of training will enlarge the pool of first responders who can assist victims of mass shootings and other mass casualty events.


ACS-sponsored resolution to enlarge the pool of trained responders who can render assistance to victims of mass casualty events and to provide bleeding control kits is approved by AMA House of Delegates NEWS FROM THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SURGEONS | FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CHICAGO (June 15, 2016): Yesterday the American

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