September 26, 2023

Leapfrog Group recognizing hospitals that excel in diabetes care

Editor's Note

The nonprofit Leapfrog Group has joined forces with the American Diabetes Association (ADA) to recognize hospitals providing exceptional care for patients with diabetes, Chief Healthcare Executive September 12 reports.

Earning the designation will be based on how well hospitals meet ADA’s standards of care, in addition to their own data from the hospital safety grades. A panel of experts will review applications. The first hospitals to earn recognition for exceptional diabetes care will be announced next spring.

According to the article, citing a 2021 analysis by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, about 30% of all hospitalized Americans are diagnosed with diabetes. Care for diabetes patients includes properly timed insulin doses, adhering to dietary restrictions, and proper guidance on discharge.

Whether or not patients are admitted to hospitals for diabetes-related complications, those with diabetes are at risk and need to be carefully managed. The initiative aims to bring attention to these patient safety issues and encourage widespread adoption of best practices. 

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