January 29, 2018

Preconference workshop provides presentation ‘power tools’

By: Elizabeth Wood

Editor's Note

Making a business case—whether for major equipment purchases, streamlining supplies and inventory, or standardizing workflow—is something all OR business managers do, but with varying levels of success. To get approval for a new initiative, it’s essential to collect accurate data and deliver it effectively. A preconference workshop at the 2018 OR Business Management Conference in San Antonio will provide the tools to do just that. 

Jane McLeod, MSN, RN, and Sue Tetzlaff, MHA, RN, RHIA, FACHE, will guide attendees through the daunting waters of public speaking during their workshop, “Powerful Presentation Skills to Guide Your Professional Life,” on Tuesday, January 30.

McLeod and Tetzlaff, co-founders of Capstone Leadership Solutions, Inc, in Sault Ste Marie, Michigan, bring a wealth of experience to the table. As past conference speakers who are back by popular demand, they will engage and encourage attendees to tap into their inner resources to deliver outstanding presentations.  


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