September 18, 2018

Play to win: ‘Build Your Dream OR’ contest offers exciting prizes for 2018

By: Elizabeth Wood

Editor's Note

The renowned “Build Your Dream OR” contest, held during the annual OR Manager Conference and PACU Manager Summit, gives attendees a chance to win prizes including a Kate Spade purse, gift cards, Google Home, 2019 OR Manager Conference Registration, and the grand prize of $1,000 cash.

There are more than 200 opportunities to collect points during the annual conference. Leaderboards will be on display in the OR Manager Conference bookstore and the OR Manager lounge, and randomly selected winners will be announced before each keynote presentation. The grand prize of $1,000 will be given to the player with the most points at the closing keynote on Wednesday, September 19. 

To download the mobile app, sponsored by 3M, search OR Manager Conference in any app store.

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