March 11, 2021

Obese adults with COVID-19 at higher risk for hospitalization, ICU admission, death

Editor's Note

This study by researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) finds that obesity increases the risk for severe COVID-19-associated illness.

Of 148,494 US adults with confirmed COVID-19 treated at 238 hospitals included in the study, 28.3% were overweight and 50.8% were obese.

Severely obese adults less than 65 years old had a 61% higher risk for death and were 33% more likely to be hospitalized, than those with a healthy weight.

Mildly obese adults had a 7% increased likelihood for hospitalization and an 8% higher risk for death.

Overweight and obesity also were risk factors for ICU admission and invasive mechanical ventilation.

The finding that risk for severe COVID-19-associated illness increases with higher body mass index suggests that progressively intensive management of COVID-19 might be needed for patients with more severe obesity, the researchers say.



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