April 12, 2016

Most Americans do not link healthcare quality to costs

By: Judy Mathias

Editor's Note

Most Americans do not think healthcare prices and quality are associated and may avoid low-price care, finds this study.

Depending on how the question was framed, 58% to 71% of Americans in a nationally representative survey did not associate healthcare prices and quality. A minority did perceive an association (21% to 24%) or were unsure whether there was one (8% to 16%).

It is clear that more work needs to be done when considering public perceptions of healthcare and prices as transparency tools are developed, the authors say.



1Kathryn A. Phillips (Kathryn.Phillips{at}ucsf.edu ) is a professor of health economics and health services research at the University of California, San Francisco. 2David Schleifer is a senior research associate at Public Agenda, in New York City. 3Carolin Hagelskamp is vice president and director of research at Public Agenda.

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