February 17, 2023

Moderna announces commitment to providing COVID-19 vaccines at no cost

Editor's Note

In a press release published on February 15, Moderna announced that will remain “committed to ensuring” people in the US will have access to its COVID-19 vaccines even after the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency ends on May 11, 2023, regardless of people’s ability to pay.

The public health emergency ending means the US government will stop paying for the manufacturing of COVID-19 vaccines in bulk and providing them to the public at no cost. In October 2022, Pfizer preemptively announced a likely price hike of 400% for its COVID-19 vaccine once production moves to a commercial market and is targeting a range of $110 to $130 per dose. Industry experts are expecting competitors to follow Pfizer's lead.

Moderna detailed in the press release that people who are insured will receive Moderna COVID-19 vaccines at no cost at either a doctor’s office or local pharmacy. “For uninsured or underinsured people, Moderna’s patient assistance program will provide COVID-19 vaccines at no cost,” noted the release.

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