December 9, 2015

Joint Commission, AABB partner on blood management certification

By: Judy Mathias

Editor's Note

The Joint Commission and AABB (formerly known as the American Association of Blood Banks) have announced a partnership to provide a joint hospital certification program for patient blood management.

The voluntary certification will be available in 2016 and is based on the AABB Standards for a Patient Blood Management Program.

The Joint Commission says their goal in collaborating on this certification is to help ensure that blood management programs maximize their potential to reduce patient risks and save on costs. 


Bethesda, Md. - AABB and The Joint Commission are proud to announce a collaborative partnership to provide a joint hospital certification program for patient blood management. This voluntary certification, which will be available in early 2016, is based on the AABB Standards for a Patient Blood Management Program and will help hospitals realize the maximum benefits of establishing a comprehensive patient blood management program.

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