February 14, 2017

Automated intraop glucose monitoring linked to reduction in SSIs

By: Judy Mathias

Editor's Note

In this study, Vanderbilt University Medical Center researchers created an automated system to identify diabetic patients, detect insulin administration, check for glucose measurement, and remind anesthesiologists to check intraoperative glucose.

Implementation of the automated reminder system:

  • improved glucose monitoring from 61.6% to 87.3% of cases
  • reduced PACU hyperglycemia from 11% to 7.2%
  • decreased surgical site infections from 1.5% to 1.0%.

As adoption of perioperative information management systems increases, understanding the optimal way to leverage these systems to improve process reliability, demonstrate outcomes, and provide feedback will become more important, the researchers conclude.


Abstract Background: Diabetic patients receiving insulin should have periodic intraoperative glucose measurement. The authors conducted a care redesign effort to improve intraoperative glucose monitoring. Methods: With approval from Vanderbilt University Human Research Protection Program (Nashville, Tennessee), the authors created ...

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