August 18, 2022

AHA releases statement outlining symptoms of heart disease

By: Lauren McCaffrey

Editor's Note

The American Heart Association (AHA) released a statement outlining symptoms of common cardiovascular diseases (CVD), including acute coronary syndromes, heart failure, valvular disorders, stroke, rhythm disorders, and peripheral vascular disease, Medscape August 18 reports. Symptoms often overlap and may vary over time and by sex.

Corrine Y. Jurgens, PhD, chair of the writing committee and associate professor at Connell School of Nursing, Boston College, Massachusetts, said, "Symptoms of these cardiovascular diseases (CVD) can profoundly affect quality of life, and a clear understanding of them is critical for effective diagnosis and treatment decisions."

According to Jurgens, the statement is a "compendium detailing the symptoms associated with CVD, similarities or differences in symptoms among the conditions, and sex differences in symptom presentation and reporting."

On August 18, the piece, "State of the Science: The Relevance of Symptoms in Cardiovascular Disease and Research" was published in Circulation. The writing group noted that identifying CVD symptoms is challenging and symptoms may go unrecognized.

"Some people may not consider symptoms like fatigue, sleep disturbance, weight gain, and depression as important or related to cardiovascular disease,” Jurgens noted. “However, research indicates that subtle symptoms such as these may predict acute events and the need for hospitalization."

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