July 17, 2015

AANA applauds Washington Post article on cell phone use in the OR

By: OR Manager

Editor's Note

In a response to the July 13 Washington Post article questioning whether cell phones belong in the OR, the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA) applauded the Post for covering the pros and cons of the issue.

AANA president, Sharon Pearce, CRNA, MSN, notes that the AANA supports the use of cell phones "but only in a manner that maintains vigilance and enhances patient care."

The Association updated its position statement on Mobile Information Technology in 2015 to keep pace with mobile technology advancements.


The American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA) applauds the Washington Post for dialing up the pros and cons of cell phone use by healthcare providers in the operating room. The 48,000-member AANA supports the use of mobile devices, such as cell phones, but only in a manner that maintains vigilance and enhances patient care.


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